Public Display of Affection - PDA (Yay or Nay)

Kourtney Kardashian and Younes Bendjima We all have different dispositions and attitudes to the idea of PDA as a result of our cultural back...

Kourtney Kardashian and Younes Bendjima
We all have different dispositions and attitudes to the idea of PDA as a result of our cultural background, religious beliefs and moral values. PDA is otherwise known as PUBLIC DISPLAY OF AFFECTION. It is an act where lovers exhibit or show their love and affections for each other in public places such as streets, malls, walkways, cinemas and so on. They indulge in the act of kissing(on the face or lips), holding hands, hugging, hands in pockets, cuddling, backrubs/massages, caressing/stroking as well as subtle touching in these public spaces.

Lovers differ in the way they express PDA. Someone feel comfortable holding hands and would never ever think of kissing, for instance, outside the four corners of their houses. On the other hand, some may go to the extreme of kissing and smooching in public to the delight of the onlookers and passersby. I may not be in the best position to say which is wrong or right. Whichever way or manner PDAs are expressed it is based on the consent of the two. But the question is. . . Would your parents be pleased with you when they see you doing such in public? What people say about you and your relationship matters a lot. In short, the context and environment should be put into consideration.

There is a general believe that people that do PDA are insecure about their relationship and feels when it is known by the public they may feel safe about it. It is quite unfortunate that when there's an excessive display of affection in public, it may result to little or no affection or intimacy behind closed doors.
Ciara and Russell Wilson
PDAs also tend to move online -pictures, videos etc. If it isnt done in moderation, you may trend online for the best wrong reason ever. There are so many pictures and videos online where either of the lovers mistakenlty uploaded the picture where they are being intimate -oops! BE MODEST!

The act of Public Display of Affection is made popular by celebrities theses days. It is now the order of the day and a culture that is embraced by the celebrities. Some celebrities that come to mind are Kourtney Kardashian and Younes Bendjima, Jenna Dewan Tatum and Channing Tatum, Ciara and Russell Wilson, Barrack and Michelle Obama, Jay Z and Beyonce and so on.
Jenna Dewan Tatum and Channing Tatum

These celebrities are not shy about flaunting their love for each other on red carpet appearances to romantic getaways to cute date nights etc. It looks lovely when they do tho.

A popular saying associated with Public Display of Affection (PDA) is "get a room".

get a roomExpression used to make fun of couples who are overly (and inappropriately) affectionate in public, and hopefully get them to stop.
Sometimes used to poke fun at friends who aren't together but always argue and tease each other in front of their other friends, by implying they act just like a couple.
Perez Hilton



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Paparazzi: Public Display of Affection - PDA (Yay or Nay)
Public Display of Affection - PDA (Yay or Nay)
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